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The Wolf and the Seven Kids

Grimm's tales. Adaptation by readfairy
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Conte pour petits et grands à partir de 3 ans.

Temps de lecture : 5 minutes

Tale by the Brothers Grimm. Adapted by

A goat had seven young ones that she loved and carefully protected from the wolf. One day, when she had to go out to get food, she called everyone together and said, “Dear children, I must go out to get food, protect yourselves from the wolf and do not let him in. Be very careful, for he often pretends to be kind, but he can be recognized by his hoarse voice and black paws; Do not open the door to him under any circumstances, for he would eat you all in one bite.”



Then she went away, but soon the wolf came to the front door and said in a distorted voice, “Dear children, open up to me, I am your mother and I have brought beautiful things from the market.” But the seven kids replied, “You are not our mother, she has a beautiful and pretty voice, but your voice is hoarse, you are the wolf, we will not open to you!”

So the wolf went to the store and bought a large piece of chalk, which he ate to sharpen his voice. Then he went back to the door of the seven goats and called out in a softer voice, “Dear children, let me in, I am your mother, I am bringing you each something.” But he had put his paw on the window sill, and the goats saw it and said, “You are not our mother, she has no black paw like you; you are the wolf, we will not open to you.” The wolf was furious and went to a baker and said, “Baker, coat my paw with fresh dough,” and when that was done, he went to the miller and said, “Miller, coat my paw with your white flour.” The miller protested. – If you don’t do it, I’ll eat you. ” So the miller complied.

Then the wolf returned to the front door of the seven Goats and said, “Dear children, let me in, I am your mother, I am bringing a gift for each of you.” The seven Goats wanted to see the paw first, and as they saw that it was white as snow and heard the wolf speak so softly, they believed this time that it was their mother for good and opened the door, and the wolf entered. When they recognized him, they hid as quickly as possible, one under the table, the second in the bed, the third in the oven, the fourth in the kitchen, the fifth in the cupboard, the sixth under a big bowl; the seventh in the clock on the wall. But the wolf found them and swallowed them all, except for the youngest, who was in the clock.

Well satisfied, the Wolf went away, and soon after the mother goat returned home. How sad she was to see that the Wolf had eaten her dear children. She thought they were all dead and was crying bitterly when suddenly the youngest jumped off the wall clock and told how it had all happened.

Meanwhile, the wolf, who had eaten too much, went to a field, lay down in the sun and fell into a deep sleep. The mother goat, on seeing him, wondered if she could still save her children, and said to the youngest: “Take thread, a needle and scissors and follow me. Then she approached the snoring wolf: “Here is the big bad wolf well asleep,” she said, looking at him on all sides, “pass me the scissors quickly. The boy handed her the scissors and she opened the wolf’s belly with one blow.

The six little birdies came out unharmed because fortunately the wolf had swallowed them without biting them. Their mother kissed them while crying and told them to go and get some big and heavy bricks, with which they filled the wolf’s belly, sewed him up and ran away to hide behind a hedge.

When the wolf woke up, he was in pain and said, “My stomach is very heavy. He thought that drinking water would make him feel better, and having found a well, he bent down to drink.

But the weight of the stones was such that it pulled him forward and the wicked wolf fell to the bottom of the well.
When the seven chicks and their mother saw this, they jumped for joy and danced around the well.

They jumped for joy and danced around the well;



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2 Feb 2023

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